Sunday, December 2, 2012

Come Away With Me (A Story for the Bride of Christ)

Nobody talked to me today.  If they had, they wouldn’t have understood exactly what I was going through, like He did.  So why didn’t I talk to Him?

It’s not like it's everybody else’s fault—if I wanted to talk to someone else, I could have opened my mouth and spit out the words that burn in my throat, but if I had, they still wouldn’t have understood exactly what I was saying, like He does.  So why don’t I talk to Him?

At sunset I climb up the hill to my house alone.

This night, as I was falling into the dark, gentle arms of sleep, hearing her whisper in my ear and feeling her fingers in my hair, I had this thought: if He not only knows me but loves me more than anyone else, why are we not talking?  If He is the Bridegroom and I am His bride, why am I alone?

And then I hear His voice quiet and tender mingled with the voice of Night:

Come away with me.

My eyes open wide in the darkness, and I sit up in my bed.  Breathe!

Meet me at sunrise at the top of your hill.  I miss talking with you.

“Me too,” I breathe out, breathe in again.  I slowly lower my head to my pillow, close my eyes, but all I can think about is His silvery voice, streaming into my mind like cool, radiant moonlight.

Sunrise is slow to come.

When my heart almost faints for waiting for Him to return, the circle of fire, the sun, begins his slow ascent to the top of the black sky.  And so does my Beloved.  I jump out of my bed and rush like rain from the heavens to meet the One who knows me.  My bare feet fly through my house, out the door and into the morning to meet the One who loves me.

He catches me in His arms and holds me close.  I breathe in the scent of His majesty, His love, and when I breathe out, my eyes and smile betray the wide wonder and joy that fills my soul.  Our laughter mingles as He holds my face in His hands and we gaze into each other’s eyes.

Grinning, He whispers You made it!
Disabled by happiness, all I can do is nod.

Mouth somber but eyes bright, He says I love you.

He takes my hands in His and lifts them to His mouth to kiss them.  I see holes in His wrists and suddenly want to cry.

His wrists and eyes bear witness to the truth of His words.

“I believe You!” I cry out with my heart. 

He smiles again, and repeats Come away with me!

Again, all I can do is nod

 Yes, yes, yes!

He spins me around and I am confronted by a wall of billowing fog.  The fog clears enough for me to make out the front of a train and tracks leading away from the hill.  There was never a train here before, let alone tracks!  My bridegroom watches in amusement as I fish a compass out of my pocket and hold it before me in the direction that the tracks go.  The compass spins wildly, incapable of deciding the direction the train is headed.

He turns to me, leans close, and whispers I want to take you in a whole new direction.

Again, I am in awe.  He grins, takes my hand, and leads me along the side of the train to an empty compartment.  The inside of the train is lined with velvet.  Elaborate woodwork coated in gold frames the walls of our car with warm light, lending the red velvet an otherworldly glow.  He helps me into the compartment and lowers me into one of two chairs that face each other.  When we are both seated, the only thing left between us is a small window. 

I peer out the window, but am confronted by a sheet of white.  This is the only time I have chosen to break my gaze from Him since we met this morning.


His clear voice breaks through the fog beginning to settle in my mind and returns my gaze to His eyes.

Do you trust me?

I want to look back at the window, but instead I stare at His face.  He is beautiful.

“Yes!” I hear myself say.  “My love is so weak,” I hear myself think.

But My love is strong! my Beloved asserts, lowering his face closer to mine and narrowing His eyes.  A thrill runs down my spine and through my fingertips.

The train whistles, lurches forward.  I lose my balance and fall into His arms.  He catches me before I hurt myself, and once I have caught my breath, we both laugh as He returns me to my seat.

After a time, He nods for me to look out the window.  Although I take my eyes off of Him, I sense that His eyes never leave mine.

Outside the window, beneath a crimson sky, I see a land plagued by deep darkness—cities stalked by dark forms, people killing other people, people crying and plugging their ears, people with closed eyes shooting other people.  And there are so many people dying alone.  Shaking, I turn to face my Beloved, but can hardly meet his eyes.  I cover my face with my hands, and when I finally pull them away, they are wet with my sorrow.  I hear a choking sound and look to my Beloved.  He is crying too.

I love them so much, but they don’t even know me.  I want to help them more, but they won’t accept my help.  Instead, they choose to rely on dark, shifting shadows.  I love them, but I can have no fellowship with darkness!

“What will you do?” I ask.

We will love them anyways.


 I will walk with you, and I will teach you to love them the way I do.  And when it’s too difficult, I will help you.

His eyes are full of love.  I remember His pierced wrists and tentatively touch my own.

“Yes,” I say, “I will love as you love.”

I expect the train to stop in the place of darkness, but instead it surges forth into new lands.  When I glance out the window, I see the silhouettes of mountains rising and falling over the land as if the world is breathing.

“Where are we now?” I ask.

The Mystery Mountains, He responds with a hint of playfulness.

  Holding hands, we both look out the window again.  This time all I see is light so bright that I feel that I must close my eyes.  Instead I look back at Him—but I do not escape the light.  His eyes are stars luminous.  Mesmerized, I stare into the shining pools and am confronted by a startling vision—my eyes scintillating light.

The closer we become, the more light you shine!  We are One, beloved; should it surprise you if you start to look a bit like me?

My bewilderment melts into ecstasy.  Oh, how He loves me!

Again, I look out the window and see light, but this time it does not overwhelm me.  Shapes begin to form in the whiteness, and I realize that I am now in His kingdom.  I see a shining city with rivers of living water. I see a people untroubled by darkness.  The train slows to a halt.  I look to Him.

This is a place of hope justified, He reveals.

We exit the train together and follow a path that cuts into a forest.  The sky is bright and clear, like my Beloved’s eyes, and in the center of the firmament the sun sits on his azure throne.

While we walk, we converse with each other; I share my heart with Him, and He whispers truth to me.  He tells me that He has plans for me, plans to restore my family, and plans to love His people.  When I start crying, He tells me it’s not all up to me, and that He will help me carry out His plans. 

We pause when we come to a small pool of living water.  He asks me to look onto the shining surface and report what I see.  When I peer into the pool, I see through me—through my skin, beneath my ribs, to the very center of my heart—spy great darkness—and feel unworthy of His love.

When we start walking again, He takes my hand in His and tells me

 I delight in you.

Tremulous, I whisper, “But I am so inferior to You!”

Why do you doubt the magnitude of my love for you?  I paid for your soul with my blood, my love!  Don’t you know that I love you despite your imperfections?  I am yours, and you are mine!

I believe Him,
I believe Him.

When the sun dismounts his throne to begin his descent to the earth, my Beloved leads me back to the train, and we take our seats in our car.  As the colors scarlet, orange, and purple begin to bleed into the blue, I recall the moment I first laid eyes on my Beloved, and my love for Him is rekindled.

We arrive at the base of the hill too soon.  As we walk up the hill to my house, the sky bruising dark purple, my Bridegroom promises to return for me tomorrow at sunrise. 

“Where will you go now?” I ask Him.

He is quiet a moment before a smile appears on His face.  In a confiding tone, He divulges I will never leave your side, my love; my spirit shall watch over you in the night.

And as the glitter of stars and distant galaxies begins to materialize in the dark sky, all I can think is that I will never climb the hill to my house at sunset alone ever again.

Copyright Megan Taylor, November 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

About the Audience

Dear Reader,

Who are you?

Really think about this for a minute.  Close your eyes if you have to.  Once you have your answer, you may continue reading.

Over the years, I have asked myself “Who are you?” many, many, MANY times.  Sometimes the answer was “You are a writer,” or “You are an artist,” but the question is not “What do you do?” but “Who are you?” so both of these responses were incorrect.   Once or twice I tried to make the answer “You are beautiful by the world’s standards,” and was miserable as a result.  After answering the question wrong for many years, I finally started to answer the question right.  Maybe you are wondering, “Who IS Megan Taylor, exactly?”  Drum roll, please…

I am a child of God.

You cough.  You read my response a second time.  You are not as impressed as you should be.  Let me say it again:

I am a child of the living God (John 1:12), the Alpha and Omega (Beginning and End), the Creator, the divine Father, the Light, the Savior of the World, the Healer, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the Lion of Judah, the Shepherd, the Holy, Holy, Holy One!  I am loved, redeemed, and adopted by Yahweh!

Consider the implications of what I just said. 

As a daughter of God, I can know not only that I am loved and treasured by the Author of the Universe, but also that I have access to His power.  From ground level everything looks a lot scarier.  From God’s perspective, however, our poor finances, diseases, bad relationships, divorced parents, and uncertain future, are much smaller problems. 

Romans 8:14-15 says,

“All who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.  For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”

This is not to say that God does not care about our pain—Jesus experienced our pain while living on earth.  What I mean is that He sees the future, He helps us when we cry out to Him, and He protects us from that which we cannot handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).

I am not the sum of my actions, likes, dislikes, victories, failures, or words…

I am God’s daughter.  That’s it.  Nothing I do can make that more true (or false).  Once adopted by God, always adopted by God.

In Romans 8:38-39, Paul proclaims,

“I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

And in 1 Corinthians 13:8,

“Love never fails.”

So let me ask you again: who are you?  

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are a child of God!  If you are not yet a follower but want to be one, all you have to do is ask God to forgive you for your sins, acknowledge that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross (see John 3:16), and ask God to help you follow Him!  If you would like to know more about your Creator, the Bible is the perfect place to start looking.

Ardently Yours,


Monday, October 8, 2012

Hamlet: Who is Shakespeare?!

Life is full of difficult questions--especially if you don't believe in a Creator.  But even if you do, and even if you are a Christian (as I am), there are still many things left to wonder about...and according to the Bible, God is okay with that, and even commends us for seeking the truth (Acts 17:11)!  In Proverbs 14:15, Solomon rightly avers,

"The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps."

So lately I've been asking myself "Why, God?" (can anyone relate?)

First off, I know that the God of the Bible exists--there is too much evidence supporting His existence in and around me for me to possibly believe otherwise.  What I have been asking is why does God love us (1 John 4:19), and what is the purpose of "love" anyways?  Isn't love just an arbitrary characteristic or invention of an all-powerful God?  And what if love and truth are really evil and lies, and we've all just been hardwired to perceive these things as good?

Who can know if God is truly good and not a divine liar?

But I keep going back to those verses that say things like "His ways are above our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9, Job 38)," and "His love is incomprehensible (Ephesians 3:17-19)," so...I know I'm just supposed to trust Him*.  


Because I don't know everything, and am incapable of doing so.

C.S. Lewis put it this way: we relate to God the way Hamlet relates to Shakespeare--He is the Writer, and we are the characters in His novel.  He is the Creator, and we are His creation!  (This does not mean, by the way, that He is not involved in our lives; roughly 2000 years ago He wrote Himself into His story as the God/man Jesus Christ and suffered with us and for us for Love's sake!  See John 3:16.)  

Although God is an orderly, logical God, I cannot reach God with logic alone--some belief in mystery is essential.  After all, if we understood all things, faith would be unnecessary (and anyone who seriously studies the Scriptures knows that the truth couldn't be further!  See Hebrews 11:6).

And I take immense comfort in the mystery. makes me so relieved when I remember the answer (that that question cannot be answered!) that I always breathe a huge sigh of relief, look up, and laugh (as I am doing now).

Love the logic AND the mystery, my friends!

Ardently Yours,

*Its hard to trust someone you don't know anything about.  If you want to know more about God, you could try
1) reading the book He inspired (the Bible); Here are a few passages for you to read: Exodus 34:5-7, Psalms, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.  For more verses about God's character, here is a good link to check out:
2) Praying (talking) to God and asking Him to reveal Himself to you.  
If you are patient and sincere, I guarantee you will not be disappointed by either option.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

DaVinci, the Moon, and the Promises of God

Should Leonardo DaVinci have painted the Mona Lisa? Four years is a long time for any man to spend painting one portrait. Much labor was probably invested in the artistic endeavor. Perhaps DaVinci should have instead spent his time gallivanting about the French countryside picking flowers and dreaming of love everlasting. Of course DaVinci should have painted the Mona Lisa!  Because of DaVinci’s vision and dedication to his work, millions of people around the world enjoy his mysterious masterpiece. Why question DaVinci’s choice to paint? His decision was obviously a wise one. As DaVinci labored to complete the Mona Lisa, so every man and woman must labor to create a beautiful, fulfilling relationship. According to Divorce Magazine, 49% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Many members of today’s culture believe that love is a mere, transient feeling, and divorce their spouses promptly after “falling out of love.” Margaret Anderson once said, "In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love, you want the other person." If this is true, why do people divorce, and what is the result of this severance of souls? Frequently, divorce causes tension between family members and friends, children who grow up to respect marriage less, and desensitized divorcees who are less likely to be faithful in future relationships.

There are more than two victims for every marriage annulled. Every November, my grandma goes into hyper mode trying to prepare a decent Thanksgiving Day get-together for the family. This is not a simple task; there are many people to consider. Because one of my uncles has divorced twice and is currently dating, my grandma has been forced to make awkward, difficult choices when choosing who to invite to our Thanksgiving feast. Ex wives, half cousins, and distant extended family must all be circumspectly considered. The point is this: when two people divorce, they are not just hurting themselves; they are hurting everyone around them. Divorce might legally divide a husband from a wife, but a mom from her son? A father from his daughter? What about the couple’s formerly united extended family and friends? All of these people are inevitably spiritually wounded in some way by the nuclear bomb otherwise known as divorce.

The most devastated casualties of any divorce are the children. Shockingly, according to the research of Daniel T. Lichter
1, "Children who grow up in single-parent homes are less likely to marry, more likely to divorce, and more likely to have children outside of wedlock." This statement is painfully true. My eighteen-year-old cousin, whose parents divorced when she was young, is currently unmarried and raising a toddler. She hangs out with druggies, some of whom come from broken families as well. Having grown up without a father to tell her how beautiful and precious she is, this young girl looked for love in all the wrong places hoping to fill the emptiness in her life with something worthwhile. Her boyfriend grew up without a father present in his life who could teach him to be a man. Because my cousin’s boyfriend was the only one who “understood” her, she must now focus on raising a child instead of on planning her college education. How can anyone claim that divorce is a personal choice, one that harms only its chooser? The casualties are too real. Divorce is war.

Divorce serves as a great desensitizer of the human heart. According to an article on, 65% of all second marriages and 75% of all third marriages end in divorce. I once attended a conference for young people that addressed teen dating, in which teens were instructed to view dating as practicing divorce.  The speaker at this conference called a boy with hairy legs to come to the front of the room where everyone could see him. This speaker then proceeded to press a piece of duct tape to one of the boy’s legs. Notably, the tape was said to represent a relationship with a girl. After the speaker had established the role that the tape played in his presentation, he suddenly ripped the tape from the volunteer’s leg, to the boy’s horror. To the surprise of all watching, the speaker pressed the tape onto the same spot of his leg again, and soon ripped it away. This strange, painful process was repeated a few times. By the last time, this boy did not wince at the pain any more. Like a bad break up, or divorce, the ripping away of the tape desensitized his leg until he could no longer feel the pain. How tragic it is for those who do not feel the pain. Every time a person chooses to “tear away” from the heart of another through divorce, they lose a little bit of their heart in the process.

Divorce is not a mere personal affair, nor is it neat and tidy. It cannot be wiped clean like a kitchen counter, nor can it be washed down the bathroom sink in a swirl of hand soap and black dirt. Maggie Gallagher, author of The Abolition of Marriage, wrote, “‘You can't force two people to stay married,' we tell ourselves and turn the page. Divorce, however, is not usually the act of a couple, but of an individual. Eighty percent of divorces in this country are unilateral, rather than truly mutual, decisions. In fact, the divorce revolution can be more accurately described as a shift of power, favoring the interests of one party over others: the interests of the spouse who wishes to leave over those of the spouse who is being abandoned and over those of the children whose consent is not sought.” Sometimes a husband or wife divorces his or her spouse for selfish reasons, while others divorce to flee abuse. Whatever the case, divorce always ends unhappily, inevitably hurting friends, family, children, and the divorcees. What is the solution?   Hopeless misery? Suicide? No. What, then? Perhaps it would be wise for couples to consider separating for a time to gather their thoughts or sanity, or to seek marital counsel from someone who is wise and trustworthy. One might even consider going to God for help. In 
God’s Word, He promises all that come to Him a future full of hope, as well as His redemptive power and love. Jesus can redeem all brokenness. He does not promise His children that they will always be happy, but instead that He will give them His immutable joy. David proclaims in the psalms that the joy of the Lord is his strength. If one is bold enough to entrust their broken marriage, their children, and their life in God’s hands, they cannot fail. Do not give up on your marriage because it is imperfect. Instead, with God’s help, strive to paint Mona Lisa marriages, and do not fear failure. Les Brown collaborated on this assertion when he quoted, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”  

1Daniel T. Lichter et al., "Race and the Retreat from Marriage: A Shortage of Marriageable Men?" American Sociological Review 57

Monday, October 1, 2012

He Rejoices Over Us

Dear Readers,

No words can describe how happy I am to be able to write for you today!  Since my last entry was published in June, my life has been, shall we say...a beautiful mess.  There have been extraordinarily beautiful moments where God touched me in a powerful way (while I was smiling), and there have been extraordinarily painful moments where God touched me in a powerful way (while I was crying).  I can honestly report that I am thankful for the full spectrum of beauty and pain I have experienced this summer, because each vivid moment spent with God has made me stronger.  Jesus is so good!

And now, to dive into our pressing subject matter: US.  No, I am not talking about the slang abbreviation for our wayward country...I am referring to YOU.  Me.  We.  Humans saved by God’s grace…and delighted in by our divine Father. 

Here I have documented some of your likely initial reactions:

1) Huh?

2) Ha-ha.

3) Heresy!

4) Hmm, I’d rather not…

If you find you are somewhere in between, or that you are a bit of each: good.  That means I’m not alone! 

Standing straight, palms facing up, head bowed down, I prayed in earnest:

Dear God, I am such a sinner…so wretched before You…how can You love a person as messed up as I am?  Just tell me what You want me to do, and I’ll do it!

And although I was immersed in a sea of Jesus-worshippers, I felt almost as solitary as if I were completely alone.  I was at a church conference for teenagers, waiting for God to reveal Himself to me in a new way…and during the first few worship songs (which were really like corporate prayer sessions), it didn't seem like God would ever show up.

Then came the song “Mighty Fortress,” and my whole world began to shift a bit:

Like a mighty fortress, He is our God
Like a mighty fortress, He is our God
When enemies surround us, rising like a flood
They break into pieces, swallowed in dust

At this point of the song, everything for me was fine, normal…it is the next stanza that really sent me into a spiritual tailspin:

He rejoices
He rejoices over us

The rest of the song is awesome, and I really gelled with the lyrics in worship…but the phrase “He rejoices over us” made me cringe a little every time it was used, evoking a simultaneous “Heresy!” and “Hmm, I’d rather not…” reaction in my gut.  I was disturbed by the fact that many of the other worshippers around me loved this part of the song.  Smiles flashed and eyes shined.  Some worshippers even danced.  I ducked my head down and sort of apologized to God for the selfish assertion.  You may think at this point that I was merely being humble, but what I was really experiencing was a sense of deep, crippling unworthiness that’s root was not exactly grounded in Truth. In fact, focusing on one’s inability to serve God reflects a lack of faith, and an excess of fear. 

Consider, for example, the story of Moses in the Bible.  God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and his response to God was that he was "not capable."  While Moses did not seem to struggle so much with unworthiness as He did with fear of man, the concept is similar: Moses focused more on his weakness than he did on God's power to use him despite his shortcomings.  If we really desire to serve God, we must see and understand Him as He truly is--all-powerful, graceful, and loving--and not as our feelings dictate.  If God's Word says that God is the One who makes those faithful to Him worthy (2 Thessalonians 1:11), then who are we to say we are unworthy?  After all, God knows us better than anyone else, including ourselves (Psalm 139)!

If you still don’t understand what was wrong with my reaction, consider for a moment the fact that we are called sons and daughters of God (2 Corinthians 6:18).  Now imagine that your biological dad asks you to help him partake in a community outreach.  You feel so unworthy to help your dad minister to the community that you require him to tell you what to do step by step, and apologize for your lack of proficiency in completing the tasks he gives you every time you trip up, or even for no reason at all.  Your dad would probably be more frustrated than flattered by your dependency, and consequently try to teach you to be more independent.  You and He would still be a team by necessity, but you would have to learn to take more initiative, to take leaps of faith…and to not be so afraid to mess up that you choose to not do anything to help at all.  In short, you would learn to co-labor with your father.

Zephaniah 3:17 declares,

"The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”

Honestly, the thought of God rejoicing over me is still very overwhelming, and I still will often bow my head down low when I hear the phrase “He rejoices over us,” but now I smile, because I know that my identity as His daughter makes that statement 100% correct.  He does not revel in my sinfulness, but in the victory that He foresees in my life.

In Jeremiah 29:11 God promises,

"I know the plans I have for you...They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

And in Philippians 1:7, Paul asserts,

"I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."


Ardently Yours,

Monday, April 23, 2012

Burn as they Burn

The heavens are embedded

With a myriad of stars

That we earthlings look upon

Each night

In wonder




We sometimes assume

That the brightest stars

Are greatest, but we forget

That they are

Merely closest




Billions of stars are burning,

Billions of stars are named,

And in this way,

They are all





Although not all earthlings can see

All of the stars at the same time,

Or even at all,

God sees

Each one




We are the burning stars with names,

We are burning consequential fires

Let us burn as they burn

Whether man sees

Or not




Sunday, March 25, 2012


   Round two of found inspirational quotes and pictures: enjoy.

inspirational quotes 23 Sometimes All You Need Is A Little Inspiration to Keep Rolling

inspirational quotes 281 Feeling Down? All You Need is A Little Inspiration (31 Pics)

   If you like these quotes, be sure to check out my "Quotes" page at the top, which is freshly updated almost weekly.  Peruse my collection of others' poignant words when you are running low on inspiration, or are just having a "bad day."  Also, if you have a quote you would like for me to add to the "Quotes" page, leave me a comment and I will consider your request; I love getting your feedback and helpful suggestions!

Ardently Yours,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine, Jesus Christ

 Dear Single AND Married Sisters,

Do you wish that you had an exciting "Valentine" for Valentine's Day?  Dream of being "secretly admired" by Someone strong, smart, selfless, and utterly in love with you in this season of love (preferably Prince Charming, but Mr. Darcy may suffice)?  Look no further; GOD is near!

Are you craving a love letter?  One that makes your "heart leap" (and I don't mean up your throat while hurtling down a steep roller coaster!) for joy?  Try GOD'S WORD--HE wrote it just for YOU (major heart-fluttering)!

Are you looking for a guy who is willing to "risk it all" to save you from evil, and "sweep you off your feet?"  Here comes Prince JESUS on His noble white steed Salvation!  This passionate Prince loves you so ardently that He died for you before you were born so you could spend eternity with HIM in the afterlife (see John 3:16)!  Now THAT is some serious dedication-- love that would challenge even Edward Cullen's!

BONUS: before you love God, He already loves you (1 John 4:19)!

So...what's keeping you from committing your whole life to Jesus, the greatest Lover of your soul?  NOTHING! 

May your heart be full of joy and contentment in this season full of pink cards, red hearts, flowers, love-struck vampires, and overpriced truffles...

Quotes on love

I love you guys!!  Thanks to all who read these means a lot!



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Catchy Tunes and Compromise

    It may be hard for some people to see secular music as a possible weapon of mass destruction, but that is what it has become in America. Whether music is emanating from the car radio, echoing in a supermarket, or snaking into people’s minds through the speakers on ear buds, Americans are daily assaulted by the twisted melodies wrought by the Deceiver. People are not only forced to face this music, but to tolerate it and all that it stands for. Wrapped in illusive, undeserved beauty, ideas like sexual immorality, drug abuse, and homosexuality are glorified by attractive voices and catchy tunes. God does not mean for music to be used in such a vulgar way. He created music as a means to worship Him and unify and uplift the Body of Christ. Music, and even passionate dancing, are found all throughout the Bible. Through song, one’s heart and mind are united, and there is greater potential to draw closer to the Creator as a result. Satan hates this. That is why this fallen angel strives so hard to taint music’s inherent purity. When the Devil tricks people into using music to inflame their egos and feed their dark passions, he succeeds in hurting the cause of Christ. Even though Satan has temporarily succeeded in his evil musical endeavors, Christians will ultimately be the victors if they stand against dirty music and hold fast to what is right and true. Satan’s scheme for music is to defile hearts and distract people from God’s love and power; the Father’s intention for melodic thought is to captivate hearts with His love and bind people together in unity.


    Music is an extremely powerful artistic medium—it creates opportunities for God to reveal His power, unites believers in worship, and brings people closer to God. Paul writes in Ephesians 5:18-20, 

“ filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord…” 

 This God-fearing apostle was writing from personal experience as well as from divine inspiration. In Acts 16:25, Paul and Silas sing hymns and pray from their jail cells while in the midst of fellow prisoners, and God makes the earth quake to set them free. After witnessing this miracle, the prison guard accepts Christ as his Savior. When the joy in believers’ hearts pours forth from their lips in song, the heart of the Lord is delighted, and powerful things can happen. As Christians worship together at church, armed only with mutual words of adoration for their Creator, they become likeminded, unhindered by spiritual divisions such as controversial theology. Most importantly, when people sing to the Lord He is blessed. David joyfully writes in Psalm 92:1, 

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High…" 

 According to Zephaniah 3:17, God sings over His people. The verse reads, 

“For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you.  He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing you a happy song.” 

 Clearly, God highly values the power of music, considering the fact that He inspired two books about music to be included in His Word. If music is important to God, it should be important to all believers as well.

    Christians must be aware of the hold Satan has on today’s music industry in America, among other places. People tend to think of secular music as both harmless and entertaining—myself included—when in reality there is a spirit behind every song played. While some songs are truly harmless, other seemingly innocuous songs cause people to consider normally revolting ideas as acceptable and cool. These thoughts lead to actions, and soon compromise swallows our lives. 
Katy Singing    For instance, a few weeks ago, I found myself absentmindedly enjoying a song playing in the background at a local store. I enjoyed it—that is, until I listened more carefully to the lyrics: I kissed a girl and I liked it; it tasted like cherry chapstick. The voice singing these words was female. If a random girl at the mall had said these words to me, I would have been horrified. Dressed in a mesmeric melody, however, these same vulgar words sounded both attractive and edgy—two things that really appeal to my flesh. I walked out of the thrift store feeling very disturbed. God did not mean for music to be used in such a confusing, deleterious way. 

    Satan, the dark prince of this world, knows how potent music’s effects can be on the human heart and mind. For example, a boy brought up in the church might start listening to rap music because he thinks that it is “cool.” While this might be initially harmless, the boy may begin to grow comfortable with the profanity and immorality glorified in the songs. The next thing the boy knows, he is compromising in other, more crucial areas of his life, and is wandering farther and farther away from Jesus. Colossians 3:5 says, 

“Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.” 

 If the Devil can convince Christians that compromise—allowing our earthly desires to exist within us—is an acceptable element in our walk with Christ, then his work is complete. Do not mistake my meaning; God saves us each daily from the sins we commit against Him, and there is no person alive whose sins are so monstrous that God cannot save them with His amazing grace. I am living proof of this truth. But when we believers allow an idol such as unwholesome music to come between us and God, it keeps us from experiencing the full power of Jesus’ saving blood. Music is not just a way for us to connect with God; it is a medium that the enemy uses to lure us away from Christ. In 1 Peter 5:8, Peter cautions, 

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

    So what is the big deal? Sure, music can lead to compromise, but it is overall a pretty harmless source of pleasure…right? Wrong. Like all other areas in a person’s life, God has placed boundaries on what sorts of music believers should allow themselves to be exposed to. He does not specifically mention “melodious” boundaries, but Jesus does say very clearly in Matthew 12:30 that 

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

The Horrors Basically, Jesus is saying that there is no “neutral” side; every person is either on Jesus’ team or on Satan’s team. This applies to music as well, because behind every song there is a songwriter. Did you know that the average American teenager listens to two and a half hours of music a day? I know I listen to as much. By drawing attention to these things I do not mean to condemn people who listen to Justin Beiber and Taylor Swift…I am as guilty of listening to secular music as anybody. A lot of secular music is exciting and makes us feel good. 
    Regardless, no one can deny Paul’s words of truth in Ephesians 5:11 when he writes 
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” 

    Music is not always a harmless source of entertainment; it is a way for people to universally connect with God with their hearts and minds, and a way that the enemy tempts our flesh. My final plea to the reader is to not content yourself with listening to music for the sake of social acceptance or lethal compromise. Be judicious when choosing what music you will allow yourself to be exposed to. Do not just listen to a song’s melody—pay attention to its lyrics and to the deeper message that broods just beneath the song’s surface. If it is contradictory to the Word of God, rethink your decision to tune in. Hate what is evil and cling to what is good (Rom 12:9).  Take a serious stand against the evil of compromise in a society in which people stumble like brainwashed zombies through the yawning gates of hell with ear buds fixed scrupulously in their ears. God challenges us all to be seekers of the truth. This is crucial. John 8:32 sums up this point well when it declares 

“…you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Round one of found inspirational quotes and pictures: enjoy. 


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Ardently Yours,